Sir Ken Robinson subtitled by animations from RSA Animate on changing education paradigms. Nice video!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
TPACK: The added value of knowledge integration
The TPACK model is based on the PCK model by Shulman (1986, as mentioned in Koehler and Mishra, 2008), which stated that teachers should integrate their pedagogical and content knowledge in their teaching in order to find the best way to explain something to the students. Koehler and Mishra (2008; 2009) added technological knowledge to this, stating that teachers should also integrate technologies in their teaching, as long as these are useful.
The TPACK model is a model that illustrates the integration of (three) different kinds of knowledge of teachers. These are the content knowledge (i.e. knowledge on the subject matter to be learned/taught), pedagogical knowledge (i.e. on pedagogical approaches, roughly: teaching methods) and technological knowledge (i.e. “understand technology broadly enough to apply it productively at work and in […] everyday [life]”).
These kinds of knowledge can be combined (see Model beneath) into integrated knowledge, for example Technological Content Knowledge, which is knowledge on how to integrate content knowledge with technological knowledge. When all three kinds of knowledge are integrated, this results in TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).
This integration of knowledge always occurs within a context, for example a lesson, that implies certain restrictions (for example from the content knowledge: the lesson has to be on a certain topic that the students need to learn about).
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The TPACK model (source: |
In my former posts, I actually explained parts of this model with some examples. I wrote about inquiry learning, which is related to the pedagogical knowledge (PK) of teachers, about how a CMS (a technology) could be of use for different pedagogical approaches, which is about technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), about a (technological) tool (KPE, an example of a CSCL environment) and how this could be used in education, which is related to technological knowledge (TK) and to technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK).
My post on flexibility in learning is not directly linked to the TPACK model, but it could be seen as an example of integration of all three kinds of knowledge (i.e. TPACK). When teachers integrate these kinds of knowledge in their teaching, they could become more flexible in their education, because they know more methods to create effective education. This makes it easier for them to adjust their education to different situations, thus enhancing flexibility.
I think that this is the added value of TPACK, that teachers can improve themselves (by acquiring new skills and knowledge) on different relevant fields - content, pedagogy and technology - and integrate these skills and knowledge in their teaching. Teachers continue learning to develop themselves professionally. They keep thinking of ways to improve education, which I think is a good thing.
If you want to hear Koehler and Mishra explaining the model themselves, I would like to recommend you to watch these entertaining videos (in five parts), or at least some of them if you don’t have enough time.
- Koehler, M.J., & Mishra, P. (2008). Introducing TPCK. In: AACTE Committee on Innovation and Technology (Ed.) Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators. (pp. 3 - 29). New York: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and Routledge.
- Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge? Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1), 60-70.
Time for some reflection...
During the last weeks I described topics of flexibility, pedagogies, technologies and how these can be combined. But what have I actually learned?
One thing I learned is that flexibility in learning is so much more than just distance learning. As I wrote earlier, flexibility is for example related to time, content, entry requirements, instructional approach and delivery. Only this last kind of flexibility is in a way related to distance learning.
I’ve also been thinking about how different pedagogies can be supported by technology and how a certain kind of technology can support students’ learning. Thinking of concrete examples made it easier to see the practical issues, that can actually occur in education, that come along with designing education to integrate all parts into one lesson or curriculum. Including technology in these designs makes it even more complex, because the possibilities of technology are almost endless.
I really liked that trying to find ways to integrate different parts of teaching (i.e. the subject matter, pedagogical approach and the use of technologies) forced me to think creatively. There are so many combinations possible, you just have to think about it. There’s not one way to teach. Of course, this is not something new, but it’s nice to think about this and to think about ways in which these different parts can reinforce each other.
The next time I will write about the TPACK model ( and think about how this model could be integrating my separate previous thoughts.
Monday, October 4, 2010
KPE: an example of a CSCL environment
In my last blog I already mentioned the CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) tool as an example of collaborative learning. This time, I would like to explain this tool (or environment) a little deeper, following a specific example of a CSCL environment: the KPE (Knowledge Practices Environment) designed by KP-Lab, which has its origin in Finland. I got to know about this tool in a course that I took at Utrecht University “Webgebaseerde Leeromgevingen” (Web-based Learning Environments). I always felt that CSCL tools are seen as the best option for collaborative learning, but I’ve doubted its superiority over other tools (such as a combination of BlackBoard and a word processing program).
Let me first describe how the KPE works (see the link to the article by Lakkala et al. (2009) for some screenshots). This environment is designed for groups of students to work collaboratively on university projects. Each group of students has its own space in which they can post useful information, links and ideas to which the other group members can react on the forum or in the chat and which they can edit. Students can connect their ideas by adding vectors, text boxes, etc.
I think that such an environment can help students in organizing their thoughts/ideas and storing these as well as the information on which they are based. In KPE, I especially like that students can not only collect data and analyze them verbally, but that they can also make connections between parts of information with vectors etc, so that relationships between different kinds of text are easier to see. However, I have some doubts about the functions that are integrated in these kinds of environments.
First of all, I don’t think it is a good idea that the forum option is usually shown in a different screen (or ‘tab’). This means that when you’re discussing the workspace, you have to switch to a different window continuously, which increases the cognitive load.
My most important critique on this environment is that all students within the group can work together in the same workspace simultaneously. This means that when student A is typing something, student B can immediately delete that (while student A is still writing the rest of the sentence). If I were student A, I would find this very frustrating.
My most important critique on this environment is that all students within the group can work together in the same workspace simultaneously. This means that when student A is typing something, student B can immediately delete that (while student A is still writing the rest of the sentence). If I were student A, I would find this very frustrating.
This is why I’m not completely convinced of the ‘superiority’ of CSCL tools over others, such as a combination of a BlackBoard environment (for document storage and discussions) and a word processing program (for document generating). To me, this combination is more powerful, because this doesn’t enable students to delete text while someone is still writing on it. Can you convince me?
- Lakkala, M., Paavola, S., Kosonen, K., Muukkonen, H., Bauters, M. & Markkanen, H. (2009). Main functionalities of the Knowledge Practices Environment (KPE) affording knowledge creation practices in education. A draft. To appear in the Proceedings of the Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2009 Conference.
- KP-Lab
How can we combine different pedagogies with technologies (such as a CMS)?
Last week we discussed several pedagogical approaches for teachers, that can be used in the classroom. But how can these be combined with using technology? I will discuss five of these approaches and show how I think a CMS (Content Management System) can support them.
1. Traditional learning (more info)
1. Traditional learning (more info)
I’ll start with the pedagogical approach that we’re probably all most familiar to. Traditional learning means that the teacher stands in front of the class and explains the topic, while the students are listening quietly.

2. Collaborative learning (more info)
This approach is rooted in (social) constructivism and holds that students are working together in groups on tasks that are assigned to them by the teacher. They need to discuss the topic and generate one group solution. Students are actively participating in the classroom, supported by the teacher, who serves as their guide.

3. Inquiry learning (more info)

A CMS can support this process in providing space for the students to store their ideas and information that they found on this topic. They can also discuss these and ask questions on the discussion board, when they’re not exploring things together, but are reflecting on their explorations later on.
4. Problem-based learning (more info)
4. Problem-based learning (more info)

I think that this approach can be very well supported by a CMS, just like inquiry learning. Students can store their ideas in their group space and discuss them, so that they can find the best solution to this complex problem.
5. Workplace learning
5. Workplace learning

I think that this approach can be supported by a CMS in a way that these provide background information for the students (such as: Why are we going to learn in a museum today?), including the schedule, since this might be a complex one. CMSs can be a solid basis for education that takes place in many different environments: the CMS is always there…
I think that a CMS can be a very useful tool in many different kinds of pedagogical approaches, mainly because information and ideas can be stored and the thinking process of the students can be better structured (and stored), so that it’s easier to evaluate the process as well, instead of only the product. What do you think?
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